Election Day Pie
November the third, the sun's in the sky
There's a nip in the air, spirits are high.
Halloween stuff is stashed,
The house needs a cleaning
But thoughts of a pie
send my brain cells careening.
Maybe four and twenty blackbirds
will fit the bill tonight...
The crows must go, but with no skills
I'll let them take their flight.
The berries are gone, so apple it is
the all-American fave.
Granny Smith, Pink Lady too
are always handy to have.
The New York Times "pie expert"
claimed to cook the apples first.
Incensed I am, having a "bit" more experience
the idea is just the worst.
Don't think it will help thicken the filling,
for the trade off is merely mush...
just let your pie sit long to thicken,
don't be in such a rush.
There's your Election Day tip for apple pie
hope you'll stress-bake some pie magic!
May a landslide victory be the case
and not something more tragic.
Find a recipe, rolling pin
or food processor if you have it.
Have fun, experiment, then book a class
whenever you can manage!